Lesson 3 : Plurals

Written by Ludo

2 月 19, 2023

Bienvenue mes amis! Today we are going to talk about how to make French nouns plural. Are you ready to learn?

First, let’s review what a noun is. A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. In French, all nouns have a gender – they are either masculine or feminine.

Regular Plurals in French

To make a noun plural in French, you generally add an “s” to the end of the word if it’s masculine, and an “es” if it’s feminine. For example, “un chat” (a cat) becomes “des chats” (cats), and “une voiture” (a car) becomes “des voitures” (cars).

Irregular Plurals in French

However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. Some masculine nouns that end in a consonant plus “s” or “x” do not add an extra “s” in the plural. For example, “le bus” (the bus) becomes “les bus” (buses), and “le prix” (the price) becomes “les prix” (prices).

In addition, some masculine nouns that end in a consonant plus “y” change the “y” to an “i” and add “es” in the plural. For example, “le pays” (the country) becomes “les pays” (countries).

Feminine nouns that end in “eau” or “au” usually add an “x” in the plural. For example, “une table” (a table) becomes “des tables” (tables), and “une eau” (a water) becomes “des eaux” (waters).


  1. Change the following nouns to their plural form:
    • un livre (a book) ->
    • une fleur (a flower) ->
    • un chapeau (a hat) ->
    • une chaise (a chair) ->
  2. Fill in the blank with the correct plural form of the noun:
    • J’ai acheté deux ______ (pomme).
    • Les ______ (enfant) jouent dans le parc.
    • Mon ami a deux ______ (chien).


  1. des livres, des fleurs, des chapeaux, des chaises
  2. pommes, enfants, chiens

I hope this lesson was helpful for you in learning how to make French nouns plural. If you want to learn more about French grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, don’t hesitate to sign up for our online French classes! A bientôt!

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